Giving Back

Guatemala 2017

The image depicts a group of people standing on a dirt path, all wearing helmets and holding tools, suggesting they are engaged in some form of construction or outdoor work.
In the image, there is a person sitting in a chair with their head tilted back as if receiving medical attention. Another individual stands over them, wearing a surgical mask and appears to be performing some sort of procedure or examination on the seated person s head. The setting seems to be an informal or makeshift medical area, indicated by the presence of various medical equipment and supplies scattered around the room.
The image depicts an outdoor market scene with various fruits and vegetables on display, under makeshift shelters.
A group of people gathered at an outdoor market, with stalls displaying various items for sale.
The image shows a man seated at the front of a room with children sitting in rows facing him. The man appears to be engaged in an activity or discussion with the children.
A man and a group of children pose for a photo at an outdoor event, with the man standing behind the children.
The image shows a group of people, including an individual wearing scrubs and a stethoscope, posing for a photo in front of a building with a blue door.
The image shows a group of children posing with an adult, likely in a school setting, with the adult possibly being a teacher or staff member.
A dental office setting with a patient seated in a chair, receiving dental care from a dentist and dental hygienist.
The image shows a group of people posing for a photo in front of a decorated backdrop, which includes traditional and colorful elements.
The image shows an interior space, likely a church or hall, with rows of chairs facing a central area where several people are standing and interacting. There is a large open space in the background with a blue wall and a ceiling fan. Various items, possibly medical supplies or equipment, are scattered throughout the room.
The image depicts a densely populated urban area with a mix of residential buildings and informal settlements, featuring narrow streets, corrugated metal roofs, and various types of structures.
Man and children seated at a school desk in front of a chalkboard, with a classroom setting behind them.
The image shows a group of people, including both adults and children, posing for a photo in an outdoor setting. They are standing on what appears to be a dirt ground with a fence in the background, possibly indicating a boundary or a safe area. The environment suggests a rural or semi-rural location.
The image is a group photo of people, likely taken at an outdoor event or gathering in a dirt area with a fence in the background.
The image shows a large, arched stone structure with a high ceiling and a circular opening at the top. The interior is characterized by multiple rows of columns supporting the walls, and the architecture suggests historical significance.
A medical professional performing a dental procedure on a patient in an improvised setting.

Nepal 2018

This is a photograph of a group of children sitting in front of an adult, all wearing face masks and engaging with papers or drawings on their laps. They are indoors, likely in a classroom setting, as indicated by the presence of chairs, desks, and what appears to be a medical or dental professional assisting them.
The image shows a group of people posing in front of a wall with boards displaying names and information, likely at a dental clinic or educational institution. They are standing on steps, smiling and looking towards the camera.
A person standing on a high vantage point overlooking an ancient city with colorful buildings and temples.
The image shows a group of people, including individuals who appear to be in uniforms, seated on benches inside what seems to be a public building with a high ceiling.
The image depicts a multi-story building with an exterior balcony, where clothing is hanging to dry.
An image of a group of people, likely monks or a similar group, gathered in a room with a man standing at the doorway. They are seated and appear to be engaged in an activity involving papers or documents.
The image shows a group of people, including adults and children, gathered in an outdoor area with buildings in the background. They are standing on a concrete surface, and some individuals appear to be interacting or engaging with each other. The setting suggests it could be a school or community event.
The image shows three individuals in a room, where one person is sitting on a chair with a medical mask covering their mouth and nose, another person is standing behind them, and the third person is partially visible at the front of the frame. They are all inside a room that appears to be a healthcare setting, as indicated by the presence of medical equipment and the professional attire of one individual.
A group of people, including a man in a blue shirt and a child, posing for a photo with a signboard displaying text and numbers behind them.
The image shows a basketball court with people playing, an outdoor setting at dusk with a clear sky, and a building in the background.
The image depicts a group of people, possibly monks or students, gathered in an indoor setting with papers and a booklet visible. They are seated on the floor, facing towards the camera, with some individuals holding up their papers.
This image captures the majestic Lotus Temple, a Bah    House of Worship located in New Delhi, India. The temple is illuminated at night and stands out against the dark sky.
The image shows a man in a medical uniform, likely a dentist or oral surgeon, interacting with a child. He is holding what appears to be a small object, possibly a toothbrush or dental tool, and the child is receiving it. They are both indoors, and there are other people in the background who seem to be engaged in various activities. The setting suggests an educational or community event focused on oral health care.
In the image, there is a group of three people in a dental setting. A dentist is sitting on a chair with a child and another person standing behind him. They are all wearing face masks and appear to be engaged in dental care activities. The environment suggests a professional dental clinic.
A medical professional is performing a procedure on a patient, with the assistance of another individual, in an indoor setting.
Medical professionals in a makeshift setting, performing dental work on a patient, with equipment and personal protective gear visible.
The image depicts a group of children seated at desks in a classroom, engaging with educational materials.
The image is a collage of several photos featuring young children, predominantly boys, wearing traditional Asian attire with red ties and blue scarves. They are smiling and appear to be in a joyful mood, possibly posing for a group photo or participating in a cultural event.
The image shows a person standing next to a large, red, ornate statue of a seated figure that appears to be a deity, possibly in an Indian cultural context, with the backdrop featuring traditional architecture and colorful flags.
A group of people posing in front of a large, traditional multi-tiered pagoda-style building with intricate architectural details.
A group of people, including a woman in blue and a man in white, posing with a sign featuring writing in multiple languages, standing together outdoors.

Cambodia 2019

A group of people posing for a photo in front of the Angkor Wat temple complex, with palm trees and a clear sky visible.
A group of people posing in front of ancient stone ruins, with a large temple-like structure featuring multiple towers and intricate carvings.
In the image, a man is standing in front of a classroom full of students. He appears to be engaged in an activity or conversation with them.
The image shows a group of people, including two individuals wearing medical masks and goggles, standing around a young child in a wheelchair. They are posing for the camera with smiles on their faces.
The image shows a group of children sitting in front of an adult, who appears to be supervising them. They are all seated on a bench, and the setting seems to be outdoors with a building in the background.
Two individuals, one male and one female, both dressed in professional attire, standing together with a smile, in what appears to be a clinical or educational setting.
The image shows a medical setting with three individuals  a young child lying on a bed, an adult seated at the foot of the bed, and another adult standing by a desk. The room appears to be a hospital or clinic, indicated by the presence of medical equipment and personnel.
The image depicts a white van with tinted windows, parked on a dirt road. People are standing in front of the vehicle, waving and smiling at the camera.
The image features a white van with multiple passengers inside, parked on a dirt road.
The image features the grand entrance to the Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia, with a person standing in front of the impressive stone structures under an overcast sky.
In the image, three individuals are present in a medical setting. A young child is lying on a bed with medical equipment nearby, and two adults are standing next to the bed, one of whom appears to be a healthcare professional given their attire and the presence of medical supplies. The environment suggests a clinical or hospital-like atmosphere.
The image shows a group of children standing in front of an adult, with the adult waving at the camera. They are outdoors, possibly in a schoolyard or park, as suggested by the presence of trees and a fence in the background.
The image depicts a man and a woman in a room with medical equipment, one of them wearing scrubs, indicating they are in a healthcare setting.
A man and woman riding in a traditional wooden cart, with the man waving to the camera.
A man is standing next to a cart with two oxen, wearing a blue shirt and a hat, in front of a rural setting.
A group of people posing in front of a large, ornate temple with multiple levels and intricate architecture.
The image is a photograph of a group of people posing in front of an ancient temple complex, Angkor Wat, with the sky and clouds in the background.
The image features a person standing in front of an ancient, stone temple entrance with a sunset or sunrise in the background.
A group of children and adults, some giving peace signs, gathered under a tent.
Two healthcare professionals performing a medical procedure, with one individual wearing surgical gloves and the other using a dental drill on a patient s tooth.
A medical professional in a blue uniform is assisting another individual with a medical procedure, both are wearing gloves and the scene appears to be set in an indoor healthcare facility.
The image shows a medical professional performing dental work on a patient, with the dentist using a drill and wearing protective eyewear.

Kentucky 2020

A dental professional in a blue gown and face mask is performing oral surgery on a seated patient, with the dentist holding a drill and using a surgical light.
A group of individuals posing in front of a dental clinic, with a sign indicating it s an emergency dental facility.
The image shows a serene landscape with a calm river reflecting the surrounding trees, under a clear blue sky.
The image shows a serene landscape featuring a calm river reflecting the surrounding trees, with autumnal colors visible in the foliage.
The image shows a serene street scene with a clear blue sky, trees in the background, and a road leading into a small town or village.
A smiling man in a white lab coat stands in front of a door with a sign that reads  SMILEFAITH  and includes a phone number.
The image shows a dental professional in protective gear, sitting at a dental chair with equipment around them.

Guatemala 2021

The image shows an interior space, likely a room in a facility, equipped with various pieces of furniture and equipment, including chairs, tables, mattresses, and what appears to be medical or therapy-related items. The floor is covered with white tiles, and there are large windows allowing natural light into the room.
In the image, a group of people is posing for a photo in front of a stage with posters. The group consists of individuals of various ages and genders, some are smiling while others are making gestures. They appear to be gathered for an event or performance.
A group of individuals, both adults and children, wearing face masks and standing in front of a building with one hand raised, posing for a photograph.
Medical personnel in a hospital setting, performing dental care on a patient with gloved hands and protective equipment.
A person stands in front of a sign advertising dental services, with a banner featuring an image of a smiling dentist.
A group of three people, including a man in scrubs, sitting at a dining table with plates of food and drinks.
In the image, a medical professional in a mask is assisting a child wearing glasses and a face mask. They are both in a dental or medical setting, with a woman observing from behind. The adult appears to be taking care of the child s dental needs, as suggested by the presence of a toothbrush.
A man in a blue shirt and safety mask is operating machinery, likely in a workshop or factory setting.
The image features three individuals in a room, with one person wearing a surgical mask and another person seated behind them. There s a child standing between the two adults. They are all dressed in casual clothing, suggesting an informal setting.
The image shows a majestic mountain with a cloudy sky in the background, viewed from a high vantage point overlooking a city.
A group of people, some wearing masks and others not, gathered in front of a building with signs, posing for the photo.
The image captures a picturesque view of a city with a prominent mountain in the background, under a clear sky.

India 2022

A man posing in front of a historic fort and palace complex with a scenic backdrop.
A dental clinic scene with a dentist, dental hygienist, and patient, featuring dental equipment and tools.
Three individuals, two men and a woman, wearing face masks are posing for the camera in front of a person sitting in a dental chair.
The image shows a group of people standing together outdoors, likely on a trip or tour, with a scenic mountainous landscape in the background.
A group of people standing in front of the Taj Mahal, posing for a photo.
The image depicts a group of people standing in front of a large, ornate building with multiple white domes and red roofs, which is identified as the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet.
The image shows a group of people, likely Buddhist nuns, posing for a photo together. They are dressed in traditional monastic robes and appear to be in an indoor setting with a sign on the wall behind them.
A person standing in front of a large, colorful Buddhist monastery with multiple buildings and a clear blue sky.
The image shows the Taj Mahal, a large white marble mausoleum with multiple domes and minarets, set against a hazy sky during what appears to be either sunrise or sunset.
A person posing in front of the Taj Mahal, a renowned white marble mausoleum and UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Mexico 2022

In the image, a dental professional is performing a procedure on an individual who appears to be receiving treatment in a dental chair.
In the image, two individuals are in a medical setting, with one person seated on a chair and another standing nearby. The person seated appears to be receiving dental care or treatment, as indicated by the presence of dental instruments and tools around them. They are wearing a purple garment that covers their body from the chest down, suggesting some form of medical procedure or recovery process. The individual standing is dressed in typical dental office attire, including a white coat, blue scrubs, and a face mask, indicating they may be a dental professional providing care. There are other individuals present as well, one of whom is wearing a black apron and a face mask, possibly another medical professional or staff member. The environment includes a chair with wheels, a desk with various items, and a large window that lets in natural light.
Alt  tag  A group of people posing in front of an ancient pyramid-like structure, likely a significant archaeological site.
A group of people sitting at a dining table with plates and cutlery, posing for a photo in front of a beachfront restaurant with thatched roofs.
The image shows three individuals peeking out from behind a tree in a park-like setting.
A dental professional assisting a patient during a dental appointment.
The image is a photograph of a group of people posing for a photo outdoors. They are standing on a paved surface, and some individuals are wearing name tags with visible text.
A group of people posing for a photo on a beach, with palm trees and a clear sky in the background.
A dental hygienist in a blue uniform is performing a dental cleaning on a young child in a chair, with the child wearing a pink bib and lying down.
A dental hygienist in a professional setting, performing a cleaning procedure on a patient s teeth, with the patient seated in a dental chair.
The image depicts a serene lakeside view with a clear blue sky, a large body of water reflecting the sunlight, and a majestic mountain in the distance.
The image shows a group of people in what appears to be a medical or dental setting, with one individual wearing a face mask and smiling at the camera.
The image shows three individuals in a room, with one person wearing a surgical mask and another two posing for the photograph. They are standing in front of a wall, which has some text on it, but the text is not clearly legible.
In the image, there is a group of people posing for a photo in front of a school building. They are wearing masks and making peace signs with their hands. The man on the left appears to be a medical professional, standing slightly apart from the group.
A group of healthcare professionals, including a man and two women, posing in front of a medical facility with a child wearing a surgical mask.

Kenya 2023

A group of healthcare professionals posing for a photo in a dental office, with one individual seated in the dentist s chair.
A group of people, possibly school students or a team, posing in front of a building with a blue wall.
This image depicts a group of people enjoying a safari tour in an open-top jeep, with one individual at the wheel and others seated around. The vehicle is parked on a dirt road, and the landscape suggests a natural environment, possibly during sunset or early evening, given the soft lighting.
A group of people, including children, are gathered in a room with a large window. They appear to be posing for a photo with their arms raised and hands open, suggesting they are celebrating or welcoming someone. The setting looks like a community center or school, indicated by the presence of uniforms on some of the individuals.
The image shows a group of people, including children and adults, posing for a photograph in front of a building. A man stands to the side, overseeing the gathering.
A medical professional in a mask and protective eyewear attends to a patient with paperwork, in an office setting.
The image shows a group of people standing on a concrete platform in front of a building with the sign  Welcome to the Village.  They appear to be posing for a photograph.
A group of people, including a man in a white shirt and tie, gathered around a child wearing a surgical mask, posing for a photo in what appears to be a dental or medical setting.
A group of young individuals wearing school uniforms, posing for a photo in front of a building.
A group of people posing for a photo in front of a waterfall, with some standing on rocks and others on the ground.
The image shows three individuals, likely healthcare professionals, standing in front of a dental chair with a patient. They are wearing face masks and one person is holding up a peace sign.
A group of healthcare professionals, including a man in a chair with a surgical mask on his face, posing for a photo with a smiling demeanor.
The image shows a group of people, including a healthcare worker wearing a face mask and surgical cap, posing in front of a dental chair with a young child. They are standing indoors, and there is a person taking the photograph.
In the image, there is a young child with a sad expression looking at the camera, standing next to an adult wearing a white face mask and holding a stethoscope. The child has a small sticker on their shirt that reads  I m not my head.
The image is a photograph of a person standing in front of a sign that reads  DENTAL UNIT  on the exterior of a building.
The image shows a rural area with a collection of small houses, some with visible laundry hanging outside. There is an open field adjacent to the houses and a clear sky overhead.
The image depicts a street scene in an urban area with buildings, shops, and people.
The image shows a group of people, including a woman wearing a face mask and other individuals, standing in front of dental equipment. They appear to be posing for the photograph, with some smiling at the camera.
The image depicts a school entrance with a sign that reads  Chinoka High School,  located in a sunny, tropical environment.
The image shows a street scene with a building labeled  Path to Salvation Ministry  in the background, and there s a sign that reads  PATH TO SALVATION MINISTRY  on the side of the road.
Sunset silhouette of grazing animals against a cloudy sky.
The image shows a group of people standing on an open field, under a clear blue sky with some clouds. They appear to be in the middle of a gathering or event, possibly related to cultural or traditional activities, as suggested by their attire and the presence of colorful blankets on the ground.
Group of people posing for a photo on a dirt road, with a clear sky in the background.
The image depicts a person standing in front of a large, leafy tree with a clear blue sky above and a grassy field below.

Nepal 2024

The image shows a group of people seated in front of a large, open space with a clear sky and mountains in the background. They are dressed in traditional monastic robes, suggesting they may be Buddhist monks or nuns, gathered for a ceremony or event at a religious site.
The image shows a group of children in traditional Buddhist attire posing for a photo with an adult, likely a monk, behind them. They are outdoors, and the setting appears to be a monastery or temple courtyard.
A group of people posing in front of a large, ornate building with traditional architectural features.
A group of people gathered around a dining table in a restaurant, posing for a photograph.
A group of people gathered around a dining table in what appears to be a living room, with some members wearing white scarves and others seated on chairs, all seemingly engaged in conversation or an event.
The image shows a group of people posing for a photo in front of a purple flower archway at night.
Three young boys in traditional monastic robes, each holding a toothbrush and smiling at the camera, with one boy also holding a stuffed toy.
A man, presumably a teacher, in a classroom setting is giving a lecture to students who are engaged in an activity.
A group of young boys in traditional Buddhist attire, posing for a photo with an adult male.
The image shows an indoor setting with a group of people, some seated at tables and others standing. There are chairs, tables, and individuals engaged in various activities such as writing or reading. A person is wearing a face mask, and the environment appears to be a communal space, possibly for learning or socializing.
The image shows a traditional-style building with multiple levels and intricate architectural details, set against a clear sky.
The image shows three individuals, two adults and a child, wearing face masks and posing in front of a window with a view of mountains. They are indoors, possibly in a room with a religious or cultural theme, as indicated by the presence of a framed picture on the wall behind them.
The image shows an interior view of a large, ornate temple with multiple tiers of seating and decorative elements.
A photograph of three individuals, one standing and two seated, in a room that appears to be a dental or medical office, with the person in the foreground holding an object that looks like a dental implant.
The image shows a group of people in a room with medical equipment, including what appears to be a patient lying on a bed. A man is standing next to the bed, smiling at the camera, while a woman stands beside him, also smiling and posing for the photo. They are both dressed in scrubs, suggesting they may be healthcare professionals. The setting seems to be a medical facility or a room designated for medical care.
An outdoor scene with a group of children in school uniforms, standing on a dirt ground, facing the camera.
The image depicts a group of students in a classroom setting, with a teacher standing at the front of the room.
The image depicts a picturesque mountainous village with traditional architecture, set against a clear sky with scattered clouds.
The image depicts a scenic mountainous landscape with a town or village nestled among the hills, featuring traditional architecture and lush greenery.
The image depicts an ornate, multi-tiered structure that resembles a traditional Indian temple with intricate architectural details, situated in a courtyard within what appears to be a historic urban setting.
The image depicts an urban scene in a South Asian city, with traditional architecture and a bustling street.
The image depicts a serene landscape at sunset, featuring a calm river with a bank lined by rocks and vegetation, leading to a distant horizon where the sky meets the water.
The image shows a serene riverbank with a clear blue sky, calm water reflecting the hazy horizon, and a sandy bank lined with vegetation.
The image shows two individuals posing outdoors, with a body of water in the background and a clear sky above.

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